Goal Achievement Quote – June 20, 2012

“Regardless of who you are or what you have been, you can be what you want to be.”
—W. Clement Stone


Poetry, prose, and quotes often have different meanings or interpretations based on the reader’s life experiences. Below, I have offered my initial inference of what the words above mean to me. Please feel free to leave yours in the comments section so that other readers might realize a more diverse interpretation. (The context in which the words may have been originally presented, and by whom, are not the primary issues, just what the words might mean to us, or for us, individually, in the now.)


My interpretation of this quote: Our future has yet to be determined. Every one of us possesses the tools to achieve what we would. However, to make this happen, we must each escape the bonds of our past missteps, behaviors, tragedies, failures, and negative conditioning, conditioning inflicted by others as well as our self. That’s the hard part. But …it can be done, and we can still be what we want to be.
What’s yours?


Enjoy today.
Achieve today.
Tomorrow is promised to no one!

9 thoughts on “Goal Achievement Quote – June 20, 2012

  1. I agree. We look to others to define ourselves. We need to look inside ourselves for anwers and admit when we want to change and be what we want to be for ourselves. By doing this we typically [are] better for others as well. Great quote – a call for each of us to be authentic. Now, that would make a difference in the world!
    – Michael


  2. Love this quote and your interpretation. It is never too late. We can always reinvent ourselves. Proof is everywhere!


  3. “Our future has yet to be determined. Every one of us possesses the tools to achieve what we would.”


    “However, to make this happen, we must each escape the bonds of our past missteps, behaviors, tragedies, failures, and negative conditioning, conditioning inflicted by others as well as our self.”

    I prefer, “All we have to remember is that our past cannot define us without our permission, that the moment we make a choice to move forwards out of the prison of our own ‘story’ or the roles offered to us by others, we reclaim the right to live into our full potential.”

    I’d end it there, because: “That’s the hard part.” … sounds like it’s laying the groundwork for a cop-out, plus planting a negative expectation there!

    “But …it can be done, and we can still be what we want to be.”

    But, if, maybe, perhaps, try…; not great words when affirnming a positive truth in a world full of negative influences IMO. Keep it simple I reckon! 😉


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